Savusavu has some of the best dive sites in the world. Namena Marine Reserve, on every serious diver’s list, is a protected reserve world famous for unparalleled biodiversity. Its home to more than 1000 species of invertebrates, 400 known corals, 445 marine plants, over 1,100 fish species and 4 of the world’s 7 sea turtle species including the Hawksbill Sea Turtle. Namena is a migratory pathway for cetaceans and you may encounter Bottlenose and Spinner Dolphins, or Pilot, Minke, Sperm, and Humpback Whales. You may also encounter Blue Ribbon Eel, Barracuda, Squids and other Cephalopods and Tiger Sharks. Dreadlocks gets its name from soft yellow corals hanging off two giant pinnacles. Expect reef sharks, Tuna, Trevallies and Spanish mackerel. At Dreamhouse, expect scalloped Hammerhead sharks chasing schools of barracuda, Grey Reef & White Tip sharks, Jacks and Tuna. Dungeons and Dragons has exciting swim-throughs with shrimp gobi, rockmover wrasse, fish nurseries and exotic corals. Purple Garden is a soft coral haven with an incredible swim-thru passing sea fans, sea whips and nudibranchs. Lepa’s Wall is an easier dive adventure to some of Fiji’s most vibrant hard and soft corals, Lionfish, Octopus, Eagle Rays and Morays.